“Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.” Pre

Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second. Give your dreams all you've got and you'll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you. - William James


Read this: it answered so many questions for me!  What to eat for who...

Foods Runners NEED-
I was up late looking through some good food ideas for my upcoming half marathon since I have been feeling like my energy levels could use a boost. Here are some foods I learned about;
  • Almonds- (or Walnuts) you should eat about a handful 3-5 times a week great source of Vitamin E. They also lower your circulating cholesterol (nasty LDL;s) levels.
  • Eggs- which is about 10% of your daily protein needs. Fun fact: Egg protein is second to breast milk as the most complete protein source. 
  • Sweet Potatos- source of Vitamin A
  • Oranges- leads to less muscle soreness. Over 100% Vit. C
  • Salmon- great source of Omega 3 fats which helps with inflammation. 
  • Dark Chocolate- contains flavonols which boost heart health

Pre Run Foods-
Think Carbohydrates- For ages we have been cutting carbs and its all wrong really, I mean it can hellp if your main focus is to lose weight but not if you are increasing our cardio which you have to do in order to lose weight. Catch 22? YES! So forget that dumb no carb fad and start focusing on carbs the re-energizing fuel! A quick human physiology lesson, carbohydrates are broken down by our livers and our muscles in order to provide us with energy. Carbs are turned into glycogen (fancy word for sugar) to help us keep that pace or go that extra mile. A great benefit to carbs is that they are easily digested and wont leave you with an unsettled stomach halfway through your cardio.

Allow adequate time for digestion!- 3 hours fora meal, 1-2 hours for small meal, less then an hour for a snack.

Try to avoid high fiber or "gaseous foods" like broccoli and beans before running, the tend to upset the stomach. Which means no Apples, whole grains, high fiber veggies, or legumes.

Some good foods are bagels, rice, banana, peanut butter, olives tomatoes grapefruit, grapes, zucchini, pasta, white breads etc. 

Runners world had a great article on this topic!
Run with Jill also has a great explaination of Carbs, Protein, and Fats

Post Run Foods-
Replenish your energy ASAP! Eating within the first 30 minutes of a cardio session has proven to lessen stiffness and soreness in muscle. You want to eat a good amount of carbs but also proteins.

If you feel like you cant stomach eating right after a run chocolate milk is an AMAZING source for both protein and carbs. A truly great recovery drink.