“Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.” Pre

Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second. Give your dreams all you've got and you'll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you. - William James

Saturday, February 27, 2010

10K Today!

So I woke up to a bright sunny, not to cold Saturday morning. It was a wonderful way to start by day since I knew I had a long run a head of me. At 7am I left the house, new music pumping through my blackberry and began my goal for the day.

My goal was to finish the 10.6 kilometers from my house to the Fahit Sultan Mehmet Bridge and back without stopping. I was not trying to challenge my time (however I will do that soon) I simply wanted to finish without walking for even a second no matter how slow I had to jog. Guess what!!!??? I DID IT! The feeling when I finished was so gratifying, it overwhelmed the exhausted and actually gave me a boost of probably the last bit of adrenaline I had. I thought this was going to be a pretty high set goal. I mean I have ran long distance before but whenever I was tired I would stop and walk a bit, then run again. I went 10.6 Kilometers (6.58 miles) without stopping and actually I feel like I could have gone farther. I timed myself and finished sooner then I thought I would at 1:02:55. This is very impressive for me. Its about right too since my 5K time is 27minutes and this run involves two hills both about 100 yards up then 100 yard down again. This makes me optimistic because I want my half marathon time to be under 1:45:00 which seems doable to me at this point. I mean I was not running I was jogging and it only took a little over an hour. I think a couple more times of simply finishing without walking then I will actually try to start improving. One month till the big half marathon!

Here is a great beginners page for anyone else who wants to start training!

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